1.0 released 19 Feb 2004
Now includes a J2EE Connector Archicture (JCA) adapter and a sample web service implementation.
jGridShift Features
- Open Source. All code, including samples, released under Lesser GPL (use in commercial software).
- Reads both big and little endian NTv2 binary files.
- Reads official Canadian format files (all current Canadian and Australian binary files).
- Supports Positive West Longitude (Candian standard) and Positive East Longitude (Australian standard).
- Offers memory based and disk based access to node data.
- Pure Java.
- J2EE Connector Architecure adapter
- Extensive sample code including a J2EE based web service (config files for JBoss) and a Swing app
to transform coordinates entered by hand.
NTv2 Developer's Guide, Junkins and Farley 1995
GDAit Software Architecture Manual,
Mitchell and Collier 2000
GDA Technical Manual v2.2, ICSM